The Plot In You - Happiness In Self Destruction


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Label: Stay Sick Records
Disc #: SSCK 001
Artist: The Plot In You
Album: Happiness In Self Destruction
Format: Jewel Case CD
Release Date: October 16, 2015
Genre: Metalcore
Location: Findlay, OH
FFO: Like Moths To Flames, Northlane, Fit for a King, Sylar


The 3rd full length album by Ohio Metalcore act The Plot in You is the band's first with new label Stay Sick. The new album which was written in full by vocalist Landon Tewers, shows the hardships faced in life due to temptations like drugs, alcohol. The album features a more serious sound for the band and a wide variety of cleans among the typical chugging breakdowns. With 15 tracks this release definitely proves its worth for the purchase price. Printed with a 14 panel lyric booklet/foldout poster.


This product is available and shipping out NOW! Please allow 2-3 days for order processing before the package is shipped.

Please note this is a distribution only release and not an official Chugcore pressing.


1. Hole In The Wall
2. Dear Old Friend
3. Take Me Away
4. Runaway
5. Pillhead
6. Better Vibes
7. My Old Ways
8. Die Like Your Brothers
9. Mind Controlled
10. Time Changes Everything
11. Living Your Dream
12. A Song About Myself
13. Forgive Me
14. Washed Up
15. Happiness In
16. Self Destruction

Stream the full album here: